Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rat Food - what to feed your pet rat for a longer and happier life

Rats are omnivores, which means they will basically eat anything. You can buy rat and mouse food from the supermarket or a pet shop, but to keep your rat super happy you should supplement their basic cereal food with something a bit more exciting. Improved nutrition can lengthen your rats lifespan to 5 years.

You will discover what your pets favorite food are with a bit of experimentation (don't mention that word in front of the ratties). Try out lots of healthy, fresh foods like carrot sticks dipped in hommous, juicy apples and pears and you will soon see what they eat straight away, what they hide for later and what they just can't be bothered with at all.

My Wombat rat loves grapes. He holds them so delicately, takes off the top and the licks out the inside like a crème egg.

It's ok to give your rats treats too. They like the fruity treats you can buy in the pet shop for rabbits and guinea pigs and carob drops that you get for dogs. My rats like a bit of my dog's dried biscuits too.

Try out raisins and bread and peanut butter, spread thinly, to avoid choking (on a carrot or celery stick) and you will see what they like best. Just like us, they like variation in their diet. My rats, Ginger and Mr T just love chocolate soy milk and a lot of rats like yoghurt too. Regular soy in our rats' diet is proven to reduce their chance of getting mammary tumors. Hard boiled eggs and bacon rind are other things your ratties might enjoy.

Ginger in particular is rather greedy and will actually try and grab things from my mouth! What a cheek!

Try hiding special treats around their cage in secret places and your ratties will love spending time searching for their favorite food, just like they would in the wild.

Remember not to overfeed your rats. If they get fat they can be more susceptible to tumors and other nasty things, so everything in moderation and try and feed lots of healthy living foods as well as the odd treat.

Of course you must always provide plenty of fresh water, ideally from a dripfeed bottle, fixed to the cage, that you can get from the pet shop. Try to clean the bottle and the food bowl out regularly to help keep your rats nice and healthy. Also make sure you change the food every day.

Don't feed male rats oranges. They have a component called d-limonene that builds up in the male rats kidneys and can cause cancer. Avoid all citrus flavours, oils and fruits. D-limonene is not shown to have any effect on female rats, but perhaps it is best to avoid these fruits anyway and stick to other foods your rat likes. Rats don't need to eat as much vitamin C as humans, as they are able to make their own.

When you find out what your ratties favorite food is, you can use it to train him. Rats are very intelligent and will do anything for their favorite food. They also like to please their favorite person too. My rats love to do tricks for a piece of Nesquick chocolate cereal or a spoon of chocolate soy milk (note the chocolate theme).

Rat Intelligence - why rats are the smartest pets out there

We know are rats are intelligent, just by being around them. The knowing looks they give us, the way they solve simple problems and work out how to cause even more mischief. Here is some more info on what we already knew. Our Rats Are Smart!


Rats pick up new behaviors and tricks very quickly. They try hard to please their owners and you may be surprised how much your rat can learn.

In the wild, rats, like humans are survivors and generalists. They have to cope with every eventuality that nature throws at them. They learn to raid human food and stores and avoid being caught.

Rats have been trained to press a button for food. If they are given food, every fourth time they press the button, they will quickly press it four times to get the food.

They can also learn to turn a light on and off, with no reward. They will simply do it as they like the change. They also like to feel they have power over these things.

Rats have amazing senses of smell and hearing and have been trained to sniff out land mines and bombs, in the place of dogs.


Rats are also very good at mazes. It is actually quite fun to make up a maze for your ratty and put their favorite treat at the end. The first time it may take a while for them to get to the treat, but the next time you will see they are much faster.

In one incident a rat was placed in an eight arm maze, with a treat at the end of each arm. The rat learnt how to empty the maze, without going down the same arm twice. It didn't follow a set pattern, so it's route could not be predicted. Someone suggested that the rat was leaving a scent mark at each tunnel entrance it had been down, so that it would know not to go down that one again. However, further tests eliminated this possibility. They then turned the maze around and the rat became disoriented.

It turned out that the rat had used visual markers to remember what arms of the maze it had already been down. Some arms were near a window, or a light. This showed that the rat could picture the maze and the location of the tunnels it had been down. It then reflected on this experience and could find food with minimum effort.

Social Intelligence

Rats are incredibly social creatures, who have very complex relationships with other rats. As you probably know, they can have a very strong bond with people too.

In the wild and in horrible labs, rats can die from social stress. Their relationships are so important to them that there have been report of rats dying from heart break after their partner has died.

Shy rats have been proven to die younger than their more confident peers. It is important to be patient with him, if you have a shy ratty. If you are gentle and quiet and consistent in your efforts you may have a breakthrough.

Rat Dreams

Yes, rats do dream. Have you ever seen your little ratty twitching a little in his sleep? Or even squeaking? Well, it has been proven that rats dream, in very much the same way as humans. They dream about what they have done that day and you may see them moving as they dream.

Treating Respiratory Infections In Rats

Unfortunately our ratty friends are rather prone to respiratory diseases and Mycoplasma Pulmonis (MP) is the most prevalent one.

Symptoms of MP

Laboured breathing, chattering, weight loss, sneezing, sniffling, squinting, rough hair, Porphyrin staining (red staining) around nose and eyes.

In more severe cases your rat may have pneumonia, infertility, miscarriage and death.

MP can also cause an inner ear infection, so watch out for head tilting in your rat.

Prevention of MP

Your rat will be more susceptible to MP if he is stressed. Try to keep his life as stress free as possible by keeping him stimulated (see toys and games page) and keeping his home clean.

Pollutants and exposure to ammonia and faecal material (pooh) will also make your rat more susceptible to MP. Keep you rat in a clean, uncrowded and well-ventilated cage with clean and safe bedding. Do not use shavings, as these will aggravate MP and may cause other diseases too.

If you get a new rat keep them in a separate cage, in a separate room from your other rats for two weeks. This is a quarantine period. As MP can spread to other rats easily.

What is Mycoplasma Pulmonis?

Are you ready for the science bit?

Mycoplasma is a PPLO (pleuropneumonia-like organism). It is different from other forms of bacteria, as it doesn't have a cell wall (this is important to remember when treating it). There are 95 types of Mycoplasma, but rats get the kind called Mycoplasma pulmonis (MP). Mycoplasma is the organism genus and pulmonis is the organism species.

MP is carried in the upper respiratory system. It causes a blistering effect on the surface of the lungs and can cause secondary infection. However genital mycoplasmosis is common in female rats and although they do not always have an infection they will have reduced fertility.

MP is very fragile outside of the host (your rat) and it is very susceptible to heat, detergents and disinfectants. This means that washing your hands with hot water will kill MP.

People can't catch MP, but we can carry it on our clothes and skin for short periods of time. Mycoplasmas live in respiratory passages and lungs, so if we sneeze we could transmit it to our rats. MP can infect an entire rat colony as they transmit it by sneezing, grooming and sexual contact.

Although MP is very delicate and has a slow rate of growth, once it takes root in a rats system it can be difficult to get rid of. MP mimics your rats antigens fooling your rat's system into ignoring the invading organism.

Rats can be more susceptible to other respiratory diseases once they have MP, as it compromises the integrity of the lung wall.

Treating MP

Not all antibiotics work on MP. This is because some antibiotics attack the invading organisms cell wall and remember MP does not have a cell wall, so these antibiotics will be useless.

You must use the correct antibiotics as soon as possible. Remember there are other pathogens that effect rats, so make sure it is MP before you begin treatment.

Good antibiotics to use are:

Doxycycline combined with Baytril. This should be given in an oral form using a syringe, or dropped in your rat’s favourite liquid food (Ginger loves soy milk). Give your rat 2.5mg/pound (make sure you get an accurate weight of your rat using electronic scales). Give this twice a day for 14-30 days.

Aminophylline can be used if your rat has pneumonia to help it breathe more easily. Give 2.5-5mg/pound two times a day.

Prednisone can reduce inflammation, and can be used with other antibiotics. In the advanced stages of MP this will allow your rat to live more comfortably. Give 0.25-1mg/pound once a day. Only ever use this for a few days at a time, unless your rat is dying, in which case keep it up until he passes.

Make sure your rat is getting enough fluids. You may wish to use a syringe, or eyedropper to give water to your rat by hand. If your rat is not eating properly use a vitamin and calorie supplement, such as Nutrigel. This tastes nice, so your rat should take it easily.

Rat Vets - finding a good vet for your pet rat

There are loads of good vets out there for your rat, but it is not always the easiest task to find them.

Some vets may be wonderful with cats and dogs, but do not have the same knowledge about rats. Some vets do not respect rats and think it easier to let it die and buy a new one. Some may overcharge because they don't want to treat your rat.

But there are some who respect rats and have knowledge about them. There are others who respect rats and are open to advice. These are the ones to track down.

You should try and locate a good rat vet as soon as you can, so that if an emergency occurs you know who to call.

Never accept derogatory comments about your rat.

Call up your chosen veterinary practice and be upfront. Ask whether the vets there have dealt with many rats before. Maybe even talk to the vet and ask as many questions as you like. Ask them how many rats they treat and their surgery success rate (it should not be less than 95%)

You can even ask a trick question, such as "Should I withhold food before surgery?". If they know about rats they will know that they can't vomit, so you don't need to withhold food.

When you take your rat to the vets they should put a towel down for your pet, so that the cold table, doesn't make them uncomfortable.

Read up on your rat's symptoms, so that you can maximise the productivity of your trip to the vets.

And finally...if you find a good one spread the word and contact rat websites so that they can let others know.

Tumours in Rats - what to do when your pet rat has lumps and bumps

If you find a bump on your female rat, don't fret. It is usually a benign tumour. You should of course, still get it checked out by the vet. Female rats are very prone to lumps and bumps, especially around the mammary glands. Rats have nipples in odd places. There are a pair right behind their front legs, so this is a common place for a lump.

Benign tumours can grow very fast. They have been known to be the size of the rat itself. It is possible to have the lump surgically removed. If you catch the lump early, this is probably a good idea, as when it gets bigger it will make it difficult for your rat to groom herself and move around properly.

My beautiful rat Ginger has developed a benign tumour. Unfortunately the vet felt she was too old to operate on. There was too much risk involved. He also felt the lump would probably grow back elsewhere. The lump has grown over the last 4 months, but Ginger still seems happy. Sometimes she goes onto a course of antibiotics to help her feel better and she is more tired these days, but she still loves her cuddles and her best friend Mr T.

I have been giving her the following mixture to help her body fight:

Mix together the following ingredients:

3 capsules of CLA (Tonalin) (1000mg)
1 capsule Co-enzyme Q10 (10mg)
10 drops of echinacea/goldenseal liquid herbal extract
1ml of sublingual B vitamin complex liquid
1 capsule Super antioxidant formula (has vit C, E, beta-carotene and selenium - do not give this if Enervite or any other vitamin supplements are being given)
3 capsule Pau d'arco (500mg)
1 capsule Flaxseed oil (1000mg)
1" square of miso paste (pure organic, not flavored)

Divide into 14 parts and keep them in the fridge. If your ratty has a fast growing tumour give this twice a day, otherwise give it once.

You can mix it with yogurt or something else yummy that your rat loves, so as to disguise the taste.

If your male rat gets a lump, there is more chance it could be cancerous. Either way please take your rat to the vets straight away and be prepared for some nursing.

Warhammer 40k Bell Tower Project: WIP Part 1

In our article for today is all about building a bell tower. So lets just set aside some of our worries and focus our mind in creating something wickedly awesome a Warhammer 40K Bell Tower. The most important component in building a bell tower is a brass bell which can be purchased on a dollar store which is abundant during Christmas season. Now that we had already the brass bell we can already ready to construct. So pull up your socks, demist your glasses and repeat after me,”Warhammer is my life”. Did I say that out loud? Anyway, let’s build some terrain.

Materials list:

• 20?x30? foam board
• utility knife
• pencil
• ruler
• popsicle sticks
• white glue
• an Ipod playing Zeppelin and a little patience while cutting the foam board.(you’ll see what I mean)

Step 1 Marking the Windows

I tried making a Gothic/Imperial guard/city of death look to it. This is the part where your artistic instinct license comes in. Feel free to design and let your mind and basic instinct come to play in choosing your desired design of the windows. Draw your chosen design of the window on the foam board. It would be better to create a lot of windows on your tower. It creates a more clear feeling while looking through the building.

Step 2 Cut out your Windows

Cut out your windows according to what you have drawn, it should be pretty strait forward. This will test your patience sometimes cause you have drawn more windows so expect to cut more windows too. Although this is where you'll need to bite the bullet for a good while and just cut till you are so occupied in your work that when somebody come sup to bother you and call up your name three times, that only the time you begin to respond cause you do not want to be disturbed when cutting out the windows. After cutting out all the drawn windows its better to sand the insides to have a smooth sides.

Step 3 Cut out base

After cutting out the windows you're going to cut a base out so that the walls have something to stick in to. You can made it just large enough to fit two space marines along the outside of the building once in place.

Step 4 Glue popsicle sticks

Start this by slicing popsicle sticks width channels in each level. Next glue popsicles sticks according to its place. These will give enough support to the structure when everything is glued together and in order. Once finished gluing all the popsicle sticks let it sit to dry for 5-10 minutes.

Step 5 Glue structure together

This is where we make busted up flooring. Make it so it’s able to rest on both walls for stronger support. Hold the walls up perpendicular to each other and glue down the floors until it dries up. This will enable the building to stand by itself. Be sure that the wall can stand up all by itself. Next glue supports to the base. Use the windows that were cut from the walls.

Warhammer 40k Bell Tower Project:WIP Part 1

In our article for today is all about building a bell tower. So lets just set aside some of our worries and focus our mind in creating something wickedly awesome a Warhammer 40K Bell Tower. The most important component in building a bell tower is a brass bell which can be purchased on a dollar store which is abundant during Christmas season. Now that we had already the brass bell we can already ready to construct. So pull up your socks, demist your glasses and repeat after me,”Warhammer is my life”. Did I say that out loud? Anyway, let’s build some terrain.

Materials list:

• 20?x30? foam board
• utility knife
• pencil
• ruler
• popsicle sticks
• white glue
• an Ipod playing Zeppelin and a little patience while cutting the foam board.(you’ll see what I mean)

Step 1 Marking the Windows

I tried making a Gothic/Imperial guard/city of death look to it. This is the part where your artistic instinct license comes in. Feel free to design and let your mind and basic instinct come to play in choosing your desired design of the windows. Draw your chosen design of the window on the foam board. It would be better to create a lot of windows on your tower. It creates a more clear feeling while looking through the building.

Step 2 Cut out your Windows

Cut out your windows according to what you have drawn, it should be pretty strait forward. This will test your patience sometimes cause you have drawn more windows so expect to cut more windows too. Although this is where you'll need to bite the bullet for a good while and just cut till you are so occupied in your work that when somebody come sup to bother you and call up your name three times, that only the time you begin to respond cause you do not want to be disturbed when cutting out the windows. After cutting out all the drawn windows its better to sand the insides to have a smooth sides.

Step 3 Cut out base

After cutting out the windows you're going to cut a base out so that the walls have something to stick in to. You can made it just large enough to fit two space marines along the outside of the building once in place.

Step 4 Glue popsicle sticks

Start this by slicing popsicle sticks width channels in each level. Next glue popsicles sticks according to its place. These will give enough support to the structure when everything is glued together and in order. Once finished gluing all the popsicle sticks let it sit to dry for 5-10 minutes.

Step 5 Glue structure together

This is where we make busted up flooring. Make it so it’s able to rest on both walls for stronger support. Hold the walls up perpendicular to each other and glue down the floors until it dries up. This will enable the building to stand by itself. Be sure that the wall can stand up all by itself. Next glue supports to the base. Use the windows that were cut from the walls.

How to Make a Warhammer Gaming Terrain Board

The first thing to consider in continuing a Warhammer gaming hobby is to construct a terrain board that will fit all your models. This will give you a fun and exciting place to put all you Warhammer games on which is much better place to play on rather than on the kitchen table or on the floor.

It will also provide you more options on your terrain pieces and create more terrain pieces that will fit on the your table, creating a gaming environment that appears and feels impressive and realistic. It will also enhance your gaming experience and allows you to play more with its wide space area depending on the size you will be doing.

This article is a step-by-step guide on how to make your own gaming boards. There are many options in creating your own gaming boards, it includes the materials to be use, but this is the one which is the easiest and the cheapest as i have found out so far.

What size board should you create?

There are a few options to choose from. They include:

-2' x 2'

-4' x 4'

-4' x 6'

-4' x 8'

(’ denotes feet - one foot = 30 cm)

The 2' x 2' boards are very flexible and allow you to create terrain that you can move around and form into various pieces, especially if you build in hills or rivers.

However, our favorite size to choose is 4' x 4' boards, as it is a very good standard board size and it is very good for battles as high as a few thousands points on each side. It is also easy to add two of these boards together to form a 4' x 8' playing area for especially large battles, whereas with the 2' x 2' boards this is a little more clumsy and creates a playing area with a lot of gaps and unsightly lines.

But in the end it is always you that will choose on what board that will best fit your gaming mood.

Materials and Tools Needed

Here is a list of materials that you will need:

-1/2 sheet of plywood (4' x 4')

-16' of 2?x1? (pine is what we use, but it doesn’t matter)

-16 x 1 1/4? screws

-power drill

-small drill bit (3/16? should work)

-measuring tape




(WARNING: You should ALWAYS have adult supervision when using any tools or power tools.)

Step 1 - Cut 2?x1? to size

Our first step that will be doing is to divide the 2?x1? into four pieces, two 4 feet long and the other two is 46 inches long.

Step 2 - Create foundation

Drill holes first on the wood before putting in any screws. This will prevent the wood from splitting. After you have drilled holes on the wood you can then screw in the screws using either your power drill if you have or simply by hand. Be sure to screw it tightly to gain enough strength on your foundation.

Step 3 - Attach Top

Attach the plywood on the top of your frame. Once again drill holes wherever you will be putting in screws to prevent splitting. Three to four screws on each sides should be fairly enough. Once you are finish in screwing down the plywood on your frame, use the sandpaper to polish all corners to get rid of any silvered wood. This will give you a smooth edge on your table for better look.

That's it after polishing all the edges and the sides be sure to check all the screws if it screwed tightly you have now your gaming board with a strong foundation. The next step is to finish the top but will be discuss in another article.

How to Make Warhammer Modeling Flock

Spending almost $200 of your budget for a modeling flock is too big just to produce a 4' x 4' grassland gaming board. Is always be a problem you will face in making a gaming terrain but this will not be a hindrance for you to experiment on what decision to undertake. Because you want to work on a small budget this is something you had get over.

Doing research on Yahoo or Google on how to create a modeling flock or by just simply asking a friend who knows how to create one. That can lower the $200 to a $10 or less. But be sure to watch and read on the instructions for they will cause you problems in the results of your modeling flock. You should admit that making your first modeling flock will not be that easy for it will not produce similar to the modeling flock that cost $200. You should not be afraid to try every thing every possible way to have your modeling flock be the flock you want.

Without further delay the content of this article is the detailed instruction on how to make a modeling flock.

Step 1 - Get Your Materials Ready

Here is what you’ll be needing:

-a container to mix it in (we use a gallon sized ice cream container)

-a cookie sheet to dry the modeling flock on (don’t use new ones, your mother / wife won’t be happy)

-a tube of green paint (in the picture it shows a tube of blue paint and a tube of yellow paint, but we found it easier to just get a tube of green paint)


-a stirring stick

-sawdust (that’s right, modeling flock is just dyed sawdust!)

-a fine strainer

The tubes of paint that we use are 4 U.S. fl oz, or 118 mL. We buy them at the dollar store for $1.

You can get the sawdust from any lumber mill that near your place. They should be more than happy to hand over a garbage bag full free of charge. If not, then just find someone you know who is a carpenter.

Take note that the sawdust should have been made from sanding, not from cutting wood.

Step 2 - Dilute The Paint

First you will need to dilute the paint that you are going to use to dye the saw dust. The amount of paint that you water down will determine how much flock you will make.

You will discharge the entire 118 mL tube of green paint into the container and then fill the container 3cm (about 1 1/4 inches) full of water.

WARNING: If you water down the paint too much your flock will be brown.

This is the common mistake which will end up with ugly stuff and waste. Even though it started out a nice green it will end up an ugly brown, which was useful only to be used as dirt and not grass. But we are going to create a grassland so better careful.

Mix the water and paint with a stirring stick. You can use any typical stirring sticks that you get from the paint stores, but you can really use anything that you don’t care getting stained with green paint.

(Important Note: The colour of your flock will be slightly browner than the green paint that you mix, so choose a colour paint that is slightly brighter than your desired modeling flock colour.)

Step 3 - Add the Sawdust

The next procedure is to add the sawdust on the paint. First add a small amount just to turn the watered down paint mixture into a compact sludge. Then continue adding more and more sawdust until it is mixed in well with the paint.

The easiest way to tell when to stop adding sawdust is when you add a bit more and it is very hard to mix in (i.e. it is hard to get rid of the brown sawdust). This is the point where you should stop.

Warning: If you stop sooner your flock will not be fine enough.

However, don’t expect your flock to be as fine as the Games Workshop version at this point for they already perfected the mixing of the paint and the sawdust. That will come sooner or later.

Once you have finished mixing the flock you are ready to move to next step.

Step 4 - Spread Out Your Modeling Flock to Dry

You will now need to spread out the modeling flock to dry. You can use two cookie sheets to dry out the amount of flock made with your desired proportions.

In spreading out the damp modeling flock it should be evenly as possible, then put it in a cool dry place and not be hit by strong winds for 24-48 hours. Make sure it is completely dry before proceeding to the next step, or else you will not get the same quality results as what Games Workshop produces.

Step 5 - Screen the Modeling Flock To Make It Finer

A fine strainer with a small openings you will have in doing the last step and that is to screen the modeling flock through it. There may be bunches that are just too hard deal with. You should really work if this happen until you cannot screen a dust from it. This will not be garbage cause it can be use as a mossy rock on another models.

As A Northern Game, Cornhole Is Very Popular

There are games and traditions that are more popular in some parts of the country than they are in others. One of these games is cornhole. It is much more popular in the Northern part of the country than it is in the South. There are pockets of interest in many states, and there are some people in the South who do play the cornhole game. However, a person will not find the kind of following there that is seen in the Northern-most states. This is especially true of Illinois and Ohio � two places where the cornhole game is exceedingly popular. There are arguments between the two of them, however, as to where the game actually got its start and what it was or should be called. In Chicago, Illinois, they often call it the beanbag toss, and they claim it got its start there. The same claim is made by Cleveland, Ohio, but it is called the cornhole game there.

One other difference is the size of the board � three feet by four feet for cornhole, and two feet by four feet for the beanbag toss. There are, however, other areas of the country where the games are synonymous with one another and the boards are the same size. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of what the game should be called and where it originated. Who is right is one of those things that people will always argue about. Despite this, however, they are united in their love of the game. Much of this likely comes from the idea that the game is very easy to play and very enjoyable. Almost everyone can learn the rules, and almost everyone can play the game, regardless of age or skill level. A lot of families and friends play it at birthday parties, backyard barbecues, and tailgate parties. In addition, there are tournaments in the Northern part of the country for individuals who are more serious about the game. Prizes and trophies can be won at these tournament!

Those who live and work in the Northern part of the country and play cornhole frequently hope that it will catch on to the point that the tournaments are picked up by major television networks, much the same way that bowling, billiards, and cup stacking have done. So far there is no indication that this will be the case, but it is still possible that it will take place. For those who play in the tournaments, however, they will continue to participate in them regardless of whether they have any kind of television, radio, or newspaper coverage. The key for these people is not recognition, but the simple enjoyment of playing the game and working toward getting even better at it. They also like to teach others how to play the game, since basically anyone can follow the directions and play the game without any undue stress or strain. This is much of what makes the cornhole game so popular in the North.

As A Northern Game, Cornhole Is Very Popular

There are games and traditions that are more popular in some parts of the country than they are in others. One of these games is cornhole. It is much more popular in the Northern part of the country than it is in the South. There are pockets of interest in many states, and there are some people in the South who do play the cornhole game. However, a person will not find the kind of following there that is seen in the Northern-most states. This is especially true of Illinois and Ohio � two places where the cornhole game is exceedingly popular. There are arguments between the two of them, however, as to where the game actually got its start and what it was or should be called. In Chicago, Illinois, they often call it the beanbag toss, and they claim it got its start there. The same claim is made by Cleveland, Ohio, but it is called the cornhole game there.

One other difference is the size of the board � three feet by four feet for cornhole, and two feet by four feet for the beanbag toss. There are, however, other areas of the country where the games are synonymous with one another and the boards are the same size. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of what the game should be called and where it originated. Who is right is one of those things that people will always argue about. Despite this, however, they are united in their love of the game. Much of this likely comes from the idea that the game is very easy to play and very enjoyable. Almost everyone can learn the rules, and almost everyone can play the game, regardless of age or skill level. A lot of families and friends play it at birthday parties, backyard barbecues, and tailgate parties. In addition, there are tournaments in the Northern part of the country for individuals who are more serious about the game. Prizes and trophies can be won at these tournament!

Those who live and work in the Northern part of the country and play cornhole frequently hope that it will catch on to the point that the tournaments are picked up by major television networks, much the same way that bowling, billiards, and cup stacking have done. So far there is no indication that this will be the case, but it is still possible that it will take place. For those who play in the tournaments, however, they will continue to participate in them regardless of whether they have any kind of television, radio, or newspaper coverage. The key for these people is not recognition, but the simple enjoyment of playing the game and working toward getting even better at it. They also like to teach others how to play the game, since basically anyone can follow the directions and play the game without any undue stress or strain. This is much of what makes the cornhole game so popular in the North.

A Birthday Party: Another Great Excuse For Cornhole

For many people, a birthday is a great time for celebration with family and friends. Individuals who are celebrating a loved one�s birthday have surprise parties, take people out to eat, have barbecues, plan games, and do all sorts of enjoyable things. One of the things that many people do, especially in areas of the country where it is deemed more popular, is to play the cornhole game. Not everyone knows it by that name, of course. Some people call it the beanbag toss. There are actually a few variations, but it is essentially the same game. Most people played it in their school physical education class, but a lot of them have not played it since that time. For individuals who still enjoy playing the cornhole game, however, a birthday party can be a great place to play it.

In order to play cornhole at a birthday party, there has to be enough room. The cornhole game itself does not take up that much space. However, room is needed to make sure that the player can stand far enough away from the board to comply with the rules. In addition, nice weather is needed. No one wants to stand outside and play the cornhole game in the rain, or in extremely high or very low temperatures. The game can cease to be fun that way. For people who have large, enclosed porches or homes that are big and open enough, it is possible to play the cornhole game indoors. Of course, the risk of something breaking or getting damaged rises when a person does this, but careful planning can allow for it in many cases. One of the best things about the cornhole game is that anyone of any age can play it.

The rules are not difficult and the game is not physically strenuous. The cornhole bags are lightweight, and they are tossed gently. Everyone from a very young child up through people in their eighties and nineties can enjoy the cornhole game and not worry about being injured or leaving people out. This is one of the reasons that the cornhole game has remained popular for such a long period of time. It is also why support for it as an actual sport is growing, and there are many tournaments that are held each year in various states for those who wish to play the cornhole game competitively. For people who just like to play cornhole at a birthday party or other event, however, there are ways to make it even more fun. People can pair girls against boys, older people against youngsters, or any combination that is agreed upon. In addition, small prizes and treats can be given out to the winner, so that there is some incentive to succeed.

For very young children, though, it may be best to have a �prize� for everyone who participates, to help build self esteem and confidence. When planning the next birthday party, why not try the cornhole game. Sets can be purchased easily and inexpensively online.

Upright Vacuum Cleaners Have Many Merits

Not all vacuum cleaners are created equal, and this is especially true of the canister and upright models of vacuum cleaners. Most people think that canister vacuums are a thing of the past, and that uprights have taken their place. That is not entirely true, however. The canister vacuum cleaner is generally used today by individuals with hard flooring and area rugs in their homes, as well as draperies and upholstery which needs to be cleaned. These kinds of vacuum cleaners are the best choice for these surfaces. The upright vacuum cleaner, however, is the more popular style, especially for those people who have wall to wall carpet, as many people do.

Not all homes have this carpet, of course, but most homes have carpeting in at least some of their rooms. Quite often, carpeting is found in the bedrooms, and frequently in the living room or den, as well. For people who have wall to wall carpeting or several carpeted areas, an upright vacuum cleaner is the right choice. First, upright vacuum cleaners have more suction power than do canister vacuum cleaners. Their motors are stronger, their cleaning paths are wider, and they are basically more durable. They are not made for delicate work, and they are designed to perform in the face of pet hair, dirt, grime, debris, and all kinds of vacuuming conditions.

They cannot withstand wet surfaces, but they are the best choice for carpet, regardless of the length of the pile or the overall condition. The upright vacuum is the one chosen by most people, and it is also the one most commonly sold in retail chain stores. There are also some companies which make upright vacuum cleaners which are very expensive, and these brands are sold door to door or through specialized shops. A person cannot walk into a standard retail store and purchase one. In addition to its durability and suction power, the upright vacuum cleaner also offers choices and attachments. There are many different colors, models, brands, and styles. A person can also get different motor sizes and cleaning paths. In addition, what type of filtration is offered and the kind of containment system � bagged or bagless � are other considerations for those who are going to buy an upright vacuum cleaner.

People who purchase an upright vacuum cleaner are also often interested in the attachments that the vacuum cleaner offers. Most have a longer wand that can be used between couch cushions and in small areas that are difficult to reach. They also have a brush attachment to better pick up hair and lint, and they often contain other attachments that can be used on curtains and furniture. For very delicate fabrics, though, the upright vacuum cleaner is not recommended, because it can damage them with its powerful suction. Overall, however, the upright vacuum cleaner is a very good choice for most homeowners. For those people who are worried about the weight of an upright vacuum cleaner, self-propelled models and lighter weight models are also readily available, and the warranties are usually very good.

Specific Uses For The Canister Vacuum Cleaner

When people think of a vacuum cleaner, they usually think of the upright style. It is the common kind of vacuum cleaner that most people have in their homes. Some people, when they have a multi-story home or a very large home, will have a central vacuum system. For the others, however, there is the canister vacuum cleaner. This is designed to be used in homes where there is a lot of hardwood or tile. Primarily, the canister vacuum cleaner is used on rugs. It can, however, also be used on draperies and upholstery. Homes with expensive furnishings often have a canister vacuum cleaner, as well as homes that are much older and therefore generally have hardwood floors instead of wall to wall carpet. The canister vacuum cleaner is not designed to be used on carpeted floors because the suction that it has is not strong enough.

The canister vacuum cleaner, however, has a lot of good points and it can be a very good choice for the consumer who does not have a carpeted home. Even though a canister vacuum cleaner does not produce the suction needed for the wall to wall carpet found in many homes, it does provide good cleaning for hard floors and area rugs. These rugs can be hard to clean, and using an upright vacuum on them is not a good choice. The strength of the suction can damage delicate and older rugs. Some of these have small tassels and other intricate pieces which can be destroyed quite easily. By making sure that the rug is treated well and carefully with a canister vacuum cleaner, the individuals who clean the rug will be able to enjoy it for many years to come.

Another reason that a canister vacuum cleaner is so important for some households is that it is often used on fine draperies and upholstery. The newer curtains and furniture that can be purchased in the retail chain stores generally do not need to be cleaned in this way. However, the more expensive furniture and draperies, as well as the older furniture and draperies that have been in families for many years, are generally cleaned with a canister vacuum cleaner. They work well for removing hair and dirt, but their suction is not so strong as to damage any of the fibers or fabrics that they come into contact with. Because of this, they are often used by those who have fine and expensive things and know that they must work to take care of them.

The canister vacuum cleaner also has a long life span. It is generally not used as extensively as an upright vacuum cleaner, so it often remains strong and works well for many years. Upright vacuum cleaners wear out quite quickly unless they are very expensive brands. The cheaper brands have a warranty, but most people do not bother to have them repaired. Instead, they simply throw them away and get a new one. With a canister vacuum cleaner, however, there is a good chance that the person will repair it and continue to use it.

Deciding On Plastic Or Wooden Boards For Cornhole

When it comes to cornhole boards, there are two basic options for construction. The boards can be made of wood, or the boards can be made of plastic. The plastic cornhole boards are generally designed and sold in stores and on the Internet. The wooden cornhole boards are also created and sold this way. However, in addition to the commercial wooden cornhole boards, these kinds of cornhole boards can be made by an individual with basic skills and basic tools. There are plans that can be found all over the Internet, and these plans will help a person determine whether he or she wants to build a cornhole board on his or her own, or whether he or she would prefer to purchase one instead.

For those who have little to no woodworking skills, or for those who feel extremely uncomfortable working with their hands for fear of damaging the work, themselves, or both, there are cornhole boards which can be purchased. The wooden cornhole boards can be bought separately, or they can be purchased as part of a set. Either way, though, they are a big business and they are very popular in many parts of the country. These boards are made from good quality wood, and they are prepared with no sharp edges, splinters, or other issues that could cause a person a problem. This keeps people from getting hurt when they play cornhole, which is very important, especially in a game that many young children like to play. Parents who want to protect their children would certainly not want them to play with a wooden board that might cause them injury.

The plastic boards are thought to be better in some ways. Most of this comes from the fact that they have fewer issues with being left out in the weather. They cannot warp from rain or develop splinters, and they do not break, crack, chip, or get otherwise damaged as easily as the wooden boards do. They are also often a bit less expensive to purchase because they are also less expensive to make. The creation of plastic boards is relatively easy. However, there are some die-hard fans of the cornhole game who feel that these plastic boards are not the right ones to be used. They are concerned that they are too different from the way that the game was originally played. As such the game will be changed and the people who learn on a cornhole set with a plastic board will not have the same style and skill level as a person who learns to play the game on a cornhole set with a wooden board.

It would appear that the cornhole sets with the wooden boards are generally the only ones allowed in tournaments, but some individuals who organize cornhole tournaments change the rules or decide to do things differently, and plastic boards may gain more accepted use in the future. Regardless of whether they are used in tournaments, the plastic cornhole boards and the wooden cornhole boards are both very popular with people all over the country who like to play the cornhole game.

Playing Cornhole At A Tailgate Party

Cornhole is a very popular game in some areas of the country, and not so popular in others. For the areas of the country where the game has a following, however, it is often played at tailgate parties and other gatherings. One of the reasons that cornhole does so well at a tailgate party is because it is so easy to transport. The board that is traditionally used in the cornhole game is four feet by two feet, which fits in the bed of a truck, and it will also go in the trunk of a larger car. In addition, there are some smaller versions of the board made. These are three feet by two feet, and they are often called by the name of beanbag toss, instead of cornhole.

Because of this, the cornhole game is popular at many different gatherings, and the game is very often played at tailgating parties in the Northern part of the country. While the game does not seem to be as popular in the South, there are pockets of interest in it. In these areas, the individuals who like to play the cornhole game will bring their cornhole game boards and the bags to tailgate parties and other gatherings so that everyone has a chance to play. They organize tournaments, play the game at backyard barbecues, and predict that the game will one day be big enough to be televised like bowling and other activities that some people believe is a sport and others do not.

One of the best things about the cornhole game, however, is the ease with which it can be played. This is a great thing for any kind of party, because virtually anyone can play it without worrying about how to understand the rules. The game is not difficult, and the rules are not complex, making the game something that can be enjoyed by anyone, young or old, at any skill level. People can also make their own cornhole boards and cornhole sets. There are plans available on the Internet for almost everyone to use. The cornhole board can be made quite easily with a few simple tools by someone with only a moderate level of skill.

Even a beginner can make a cornhole board by following the instructions carefully. Most cornhole boards � either homemade or factory made � are made of wood. Some of them, however, are made of plastic, but they are often not as popular. For those who make their own boards for tailgate parties, however, there are also cornhole bags that need to be made. The older ones were made of a heavy cloth such as denim or burlap and stuffed with corn. Today�s cornhole bags are usually made of a somewhat softer cloth, and they are either stuffed with beans or with plastic pellets. Either way, however, they are easy to make and can last a long time when made correctly. They need to be sewn very tightly and they have to be the correct size and weight. By either buying or building a cornhole board the next tailgate party can be a huge success.

Web-Programming: An Alternative To Unproductive Advertising

As of this writing the television writers in Hollywood are on strike. The significance of this strike will be felt far beyond the current television season and impact what and where people will get their entertainment in the future. People are now not only embracing the Web for their information needs but are also increasingly turning to it for their entertainment needs as well.

The Web will soon be 'the place' that fills the programming vacuum that network broadcasters have been unwilling and/or unable to fulfill. People were prepared to tolerate constant reruns, dreadful programming, and incessant repetitive ads as long as there was no alternative, but that is no loner the case. Viewers now have an option to bad television and it's the Web, but why should you care and more importantly how can you take advantage of the opportunity it creates?

Why Should You Care?

Information and entertainment have melded in recent years creating what has been dubbed 'infotainment.' It can be argued that the evening news has become more entertainment than hard news and let's not even get into venues like the History Channel where fact and fiction seem to be presented in equal and indistinguishable doses. So what does all this have to do with you and how you deliver your marketing message?

The time is coming, if it is not here already, that companies will not be able to get away with merely uploading online brochures and catalogues, or even extensive screeds singing the praises of every feature and benefit associated with their offering. People demand more, they insist your website be interesting, informative, and entertaining; and it is this aspect of entertainment that potentially makes your marketing presentation memorable.

What Is Web-Programming?

Web-programming takes the creative Web-video campaign concept and pushes it one step further up the evolutionary marketing scale by integrating the message into a programming environment.

This concept is not an entirely new idea, in fact one of the most noted television commercial campaigns of 1991 was the Taster's Choice soap opera-like series of spots that wove the marketing message into a courtship relationship between two apartment neighbors. In an environment where information and entertainment blur, it seems like an ideal solution to capturing an audience's attention and interest, and creating a viral buzz that few products or services can generate by presenting a bulleted list of features.

Build Brand Relationships

James E. Aisner, in his article 'More Than A Name: The Role of Brands in People's Lives' (HBS Working Knowledge For Business Leaders) references the research of Harvard Business School Professor, Susan M. Fournier, "Fournier has created a typology of fifteen different types of relationships between consumers and their brands." These brand relationships include the secret affair, the best friend, kinship, the fling, courtship, the marriage-of-convenience, casual friendship, childhood friendship, mother and child, and master-slave.

What kind of relationship does your brand have with your audience? Is it a short-term fling that starts with a lot of heat and passion and then quickly cools-off, or is it a long-term marriage that will last a lifetime? Finding, and promoting the most appropriate and beneficial brand relationship is the marketing goal of your Web-programming marketing initiative.

Part of the problem many smaller organizations have in developing successful marketing campaigns is that they think in terms of products and services rather than brands; features and benefits rather than relationships. Almost every product or service on the market can be replaced with a competitive substitute, but brands are much harder to replace; brands create a competitive barrier through the development of relationships based on prototypical psychological and emotional factors, the same kinds of factors that govern your personal relationships.

Generate Trust, Confidence, Loyalty and Passion

In his article, "A Brand New You," (Psychology Today), W. Eric Martin tells us that brands came into vogue in the post Civil War era as a response to an increasing mobile population that began to lose touch with local merchants and shopkeepers. Brands became a substitute for the personal relationships that people had with their suppliers. This seemingly minor historic fact helps us understand the significance of brands in today's Web-centric marketplace.

Today's consumer-client, whether retail or business-to-business is more remote, more isolated from the supplier than ever before. The Web allows us to market our products and services anywhere in the world, but in order to actually make a sale, we must establish a relationship that generates a sufficient level of trust, confidence, loyalty and passion. Sneer if you will at the passion and loyalty most Macintosh users have for their computers, but what other computer company can claim such brand allegiance?

Relationships Are Based On Psychological Needs

At the heart of any relationship is the emotional or psychological need that that relationship fulfills. If you haven't found that connection in what you do then you are at a definite competitive disadvantage; and you are competing on the most fickle and transient of factors: price and features. In business, there will always be someone who is prepared to sell a substitute product or service for less, or with more bells and whistles. So why would you ever want to compete on that basis?

It really doesn't matter what business you're in, there is always some emotional or psychological component to what you do. The iPod is the market leader in its category despite numerous competitors; it holds that position not because it's the cheapest, which it definitely isn't, or the product with the most features, which it probably is, but because it's an iPod - not a tool but a status symbol, a badge of intelligence and taste, a brand relationship akin to being a member of the coolest club in town.

Web-programming Development

In short, Web-programming is a marketing campaign based on a series of episodic Web-videos tied together by plotline and character development; an ongoing initiative that weaves into its storyline the marketing pitch. The integration of the marketing pitch can be done subtly using product placement techniques or overtly making the pitch part of the story arc.

This marketing technique is not for everyone; it is certainly not for the unsophisticated or for the marketer who is afraid to experiment or to take a chance.

If you are looking for an instant direct financial return like a big sale sign in your storefront window then you are not looking for marketing, you're looking for promotions. Marketing is all about building a brand relationship with your audience. The more time and effort you invest in marketing, the more solid your brand relationship will be, and the more appropriate the clients you'll attract and keep.

Web-programming - Where To Begin

There are four minimal requirements needed to create an episodic Web-video marketing campaign: need identification, point-of-view, attitude, and transformation. These are the same elements defined by Syd Field, the well-respected author, producer, screenwriter, and lecturer, in his book, "The Screenwriter's Workbook;" and they are the same elements that all top-notch salesmen use to build client-relationships - ask yourself - have you ever met a top salesman who wasn't a great storyteller?

Need Identification

Like all episodic series yours will need a hero or protagonist; this is the person your audience will identify with and who will act as their surrogate.

Your protagonist must be searching for something that relates to the emotional or psychological need fulfilled by your product or service. Anyone who has ever had to deal with an insurance company certainly understands the Geico caveman's need for respect. His frustration is the perfect foil for the company's marketing message, 'it's so easy a caveman can do it.' We are all cavemen at heart, seeking respect from big business bureaucracies that make us jump through hoops just to place an order.


You must present your material from a particular point-of-view. Is your presentation told from the protagonist's point-of-view or is it told from an objective observer's, perhaps through voice-over. It can even be counter-intuitive and be told from an antagonist's point-of-view.

If your scenario is more procedural based, you can even present it from different points-of-view each delivering alternative perspectives, each highlighting different aspects of the emotional fulfillment.


Attitude is especially important for Web-based presentations, but it is also one of the scariest aspects of marketing for the faint-of-heart. All too often businesses shy away from bold statements, or extreme displays for fear of alienating some segment of the audience, but it's attitude that grabs people's attention, makes the presentation memorable, and qualifies leads and inquiries.


One of the hardest things a commercial-based episodic series has to deal with is story arc. What change takes place over the life of the series and is the campaign concept strong enough to sustain itself? What transformation takes place? Does your protagonist find fulfillment or does he fail to find the emotional or psychological answer he's looking for. If you're not sure what deep-seated need your product or service satisfies, find the conflict.

All stories are based on conflict, frustration, and desire, whether it's the search for 'whiter whites' or better insurance. If your concept is without conflict, you are not illustrating the need for your solution.

You can show successful transformation based on the adoption of your solution or you can show failure whichever works best for what you're marketing and the audience you are trying to attract.


The Web has from its infancy provided business with enormous marketing opportunities. As the Web's capabilities increase over time, these opportunities increase as well. As much as other media tries to adapt to the competitive pressures created by the Web, old methods and attitudes die-hard; the writer's strike being just one example of a group trying to maintain dominance in an environment they cannot control. The opportunities are there to make your marketing mark if you have the courage to act.

Sex Crimes and Their Defense in Minnesota

Under Minnesota law, criminal sexual conduct or sex crimes may include: rape, statutory rape, unwanted sexual contact, criminal sexual assault, child pornography, child solicitation or child enticement, solicitation of mentally impaired persons, sodomy, incest, fornication, pimping, and prostitution. Some prohibitions, like those against sodomy and fornication, are technically still on the books, but rarely enforced.

The Minnesota Office of the Legislative Auditor has the following statistics on sexual conduct and sexual assault crimes:

The number of reported sex offenses in Minnesota increased almost threefold between 1971 and 1984, but has remained relatively constant since then.

The number of sex offenses (sexual assault, rape, sexual conduct) reported to the police increased from 2,303 offenses in 1971 to 6,589 offenses in 1984. In 1993, 6,439 sex offenses were reported, of which 49 percent resulted in an arrest.

Between 1981 and 1992, adult convictions for sex offenses involving force remained at the level of 145 to 190 each year, but convictions for child sexual abuse nearly tripled, rising from 160 to 461, and convictions for interfamilial sex abuse increasing from 3 to 154.

Reflecting these trends, about 90 percent of the victims of convicted sex offenders were children or adolescents. Nearly all of the victims of adjudicated juvenile offenders were under 18 years old, as were 84 percent of the victims of adult offenders (with 46 percent under age 13). Nearly all convicted sex offenders (97 percent) were male and most of their victims were female, although 18 percent of the victims of juvenile offenders and 13 percent of the victims of adult offenders were male.

Criminal sexual conduct is divided into four degrees depending upon the age of the victim, age of the accused, whether force is used, and the existence of any special relationship between the parties, such as parent-child or physician-patient. In Minnesota, judges are required to double the punishment imposed on a pattern sex offender, which is someone who repeats or is likely to repeat a sex crime, or someone who plans the crime. Moreover, if convicted of a sex crime, offenders must register with police departments across the state.

FIRST DEGREE. First Degree sexual conduct/assault requires sexual penetration with another person. Remember - A mistake regarding the complainant's age or consent by the underage person is not a defense to a sexual conduct crime.

Age Difference. The complainant is under 13 years of age and the actor is more than 36 months older than the complainant; or the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority.

Fear of Great Harm. Circumstances existing at the time of the act cause the complainant to have a reasonable fear of imminent great bodily harm to the complainant or another;

Armed with Weapon. The actor is armed with a dangerous weapon or any article used or fashioned in a manner to lead the complainant to reasonably believe it to be a dangerous weapon and uses or threatens to use the weapon or article to cause the complainant to submit;

Personal Injury. The actor causes personal injury to the complainant, and either of the following circumstances exist:

The actor uses force or coercion to accomplish sexual penetration; or

The actor knows or has reason to know that the complainant is mentally impaired, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless;

The actor is aided or abetted by one or more accomplices and force or coercion is used or the accomplice is armed with a dangerous weapon.

Significant Relationship. A significant relationship generally means that the parties live together. It is a crime if the actor has a significant relationship to the complainant and the complainant was under 16 years of age at the time of the sexual penetration.

Penalty. Not more than 30 years and a fine of not more than $40,000. There is a presumptive executed sentence of 144 months.

SECOND DEGREE. Second degree criminal sexual conduct/assault does not require penetration. Instead, it involves "sexual contact." Sexual contact has been defined by case law to mean touching of the genital area, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks with a sexual intent. The sexual touching may occur on the flesh or through the clothing.

Age Difference. The complainant is under 13 years of age and the actor is more than 36 months older than the complainant; or the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority.

Fear of Great Harm. Circumstances existing at the time of the act cause the complainant to have a reasonable fear of imminent great bodily harm to the complainant or another;

Armed with Weapon. The actor is armed with a dangerous weapon or any article used or fashioned in a manner to lead the complainant to reasonably believe it to be a dangerous weapon and uses or threatens to use the weapon or article to cause the complainant to submit;

Personal Injury. The actor causes personal injury to the complainant, and either of the following circumstances exist:

The actor uses force or coercion to accomplish sexual penetration; or

The actor knows or has reason to know that the complainant is mentally impaired, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless;

The actor is aided or abetted by one or more accomplices and force or coercion is used or the accomplice is armed with a dangerous weapon.

Significant Relationship. A significant relationship generally means that the parties live together. It is a crime if the actor has a significant relationship to the complainant and the complainant was under 16 years of age at the time of the sexual penetration.

Penalty. Not more than 25 years and payment of a fine of not more than $35,000.

THIRD DEGREE. Third degree criminal sexual conduct is similar to first degree in that it requires sexual penetration. Penetration is liberally construed to included penetration of the anal or genital openings and specifically includes digital and oral penetration. Third degree sexual conduct is generally charged for behavior that is not as extreme as first degree sexual assault.

Age Difference. The complainant is under 13 years of age and the actor is more than 36 months older than the complainant; or the complainant is at least 13 but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 24 months older than the complainant. In any such case it shall be an affirmative defense, which must be proved by a preponderance of the evidence, that the actor believes the complainant to be 16 years of age or older. Consent by the complainant is not a defense.

Force or Coercion. the actor uses force or coercion to accomplish the penetration

Mental & Physical Infirmity of Victim. The actor knows or has reason to know that the complainant is mentally impaired, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless.

Position of Authority. The complainant is at least 16 but less than 18 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainant is a defense.

Penalty. If the actor in such a case is no more than 48 months but more than 24 months older than the complainant, the actor may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years. Otherwise a person convicted may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 15 years and a payment of not more than $30,000.

FOURTH DEGREE. A person who engages in sexual contact with another person is guilty of criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree if any of the following circumstances exists:

Age Difference. The complainant is under 13 years of age and the actor is no more than 36 months older than the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age or consent to the act by the complainant is a defense. In a prosecution under this clause, the state is not required to prove that the sexual contact was coerced. Additionally, if the complainant is at least 13 but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant or in a position of authority over the complainant fourth degree sexual conduct may be charged. Consent by the complainant to the act is not a defense. In any such case, it shall be an affirmative defense which must be proved by a preponderance of the evidence that the actor believes the complainant to be 16 years of age or older.

Force or Coercion. The actor uses force or coercion to accomplish the sexual contact.

Mental & Physical Infirmity of Victim. The actor knows or has reason to know that the complainant is mentally impaired, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless.

Position of Authority. The complainant is at least 16 but less than 18 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainant is a defense.

Significant Relationship. The actor has a significant relationship to the complainant and the complainant was at least 16 but under 18 years of age at the time of the sexual contact.

Penalty. A person convicted may be sentenced to not more than ten years and a payment of a fine of not more than $20,000.

FIFTH DEGREE. A person is guilty of criminal sexual conduct in the fifth degree:

(1) if the person engages in nonconsensual sexual contact; or

(2) the person engages in masturbation or lewd exhibition of the genitals in the presence of a minor under the age of 16, knowing or having reason to know the minor is present.

"Sexual contact" does not include the intentional touching of the clothing covering the immediate area of the buttocks. Sexual contact does includes the intentional removal or attempted removal of clothing covering the complainant's intimate parts or undergarments, and the nonconsensual touching by the complainant of the actor's intimate parts, effected by the actor, if the action is performed with sexual or aggressive intent.

. Penalty. A person convicted may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year and payment of a fine of not more than $3,000. The charge may be increased to a felony with imprisonment for not more than five years and payment of $10,000, if the person has prior violations.


In today's world much hysteria and controversy swirls around sexual abuse. A person accused may find that even if acquitted they are looked upon with suspicion and fear. The allegation itself can carry with significant stigma and social repercussions. Too often, prosecutors charge out criminal sexual conduct cases based solely on an allegation. There is often little physical evidence. Though it may seem the case is weak, an aggressive and proactive defense is necessary. That may include hiring experts to review witness interviews for suggestive language and improper techniques.

If you are accused take these steps:

Do not give any statements to law enforcement and do not discuss the case with any other people until you have retained legal counsel;

Hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer;

Write down the names of potential helpful witnesses;

Only after retaining a lawyer should you make written notes regarding the allegations. these should be provided to your lawyer.

Getting The Right Vacuum Cleaner For Your Home

Buying a vacuum cleaner might seem easy, but there are important issues to consider. These include price, features, and what type and size of house a person has. A large house needs a stronger vacuum if the house is carpeted. In addition, pets or children can affect how often a home is vacuumed and how hard a vacuum cleaner will need to work to ensure cleanliness. People with hardwood floors may also want vacuum cleaners, but they will likely be more interested in a canister vacuum as opposed to an upright. A canister vacuum is better designed to handle rugs and draperies, as well as upholstery. These kinds of vacuums do not do well, however, for individuals with wall to wall carpet, because their cleaning power is not the same.

The price of a vacuum cleaner is very important, but not to everyone. Some people have more money than others, and those who are rich simply buy what they want. For the majority of individuals, however, how much a vacuum cleaner costs affects whether a person buys it or not. In addition, many people look at the price of a vacuum cleaner based on several factors, such as the width of the cleaning path, the size of the motor, and what kinds of attachments come along with it. A vacuum with a stronger motor and more attachments should generally cost more. However, there are some discrepancies in price in almost any category of vacuum cleaner, and taking one’s time to find the best deal is often worth it.

The brand of vacuum cleaner that is purchased can also affect price and be very significant for many people. There are some people who swear by a particular brand and will not purchase anything else, just as there are some people who do not care what brand they buy, as long as it works well and is priced right. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. They have certain brands that they like, but they will pick from among those brands based on price and other factors. In addition, they might consider going outside of that group of brands if they find something that seems to be a particularly good deal, or if something else has been recommended to them from someone who they trust.

There are some vacuum choices that a lot of people do not consider, but which are still good options for many people. For those who have multi-story homes, having a vacuum cleaner on each floor is generally a good option, to avoid carrying a vacuum cleaner up and down stairs. Some of these individuals will opt to have a central vacuum cleaner installed in a home so that there is only a very lightweight hose to carry around when vacuuming. In addition, some people use a robotic vacuum if they have a small area of hard floor which they want to clean very easily. These are not designed for large areas, however, or for carpeted areas. There are so many choices for a vacuum cleaner today that people can generally find whatever it is that they are looking for, making their cleaning easier.

How to Make Warhammer Modeling Flock

Spending almost $200 of your budget for a modeling flock is too big just to produce a 4' x 4' grassland gaming board. Is always be a problem you will face in making a gaming terrain but this will not be a hindrance for you to experiment on what decision to undertake. Because you want to work on a small budget this is something you had get over.

Doing research on Yahoo or Google on how to create a modeling flock or by just simply asking a friend who knows how to create one. That can lower the $200 to a $10 or less. But be sure to watch and read on the instructions for they will cause you problems in the results of your modeling flock. You should admit that making your first modeling flock will not be that easy for it will not produce similar to the modeling flock that cost $200. You should not be afraid to try every thing every possible way to have your modeling flock be the flock you want.

Without further delay the content of this article is the detailed instruction on how to make a modeling flock.

Step 1 - Get Your Materials Ready

Here is what you’ll be needing:

-a container to mix it in (we use a gallon sized ice cream container)

-a cookie sheet to dry the modeling flock on (don’t use new ones, your mother / wife won’t be happy)

-a tube of green paint (in the picture it shows a tube of blue paint and a tube of yellow paint, but we found it easier to just get a tube of green paint)


-a stirring stick

-sawdust (that’s right, modeling flock is just dyed sawdust!)

-a fine strainer

The tubes of paint that we use are 4 U.S. fl oz, or 118 mL. We buy them at the dollar store for $1.

You can get the sawdust from any lumber mill that near your place. They should be more than happy to hand over a garbage bag full free of charge. If not, then just find someone you know who is a carpenter.

Take note that the sawdust should have been made from sanding, not from cutting wood.

Step 2 - Dilute The Paint

First you will need to dilute the paint that you are going to use to dye the saw dust. The amount of paint that you water down will determine how much flock you will make.

You will discharge the entire 118 mL tube of green paint into the container and then fill the container 3cm (about 1 1/4 inches) full of water.

WARNING: If you water down the paint too much your flock will be brown.

This is the common mistake which will end up with ugly stuff and waste. Even though it started out a nice green it will end up an ugly brown, which was useful only to be used as dirt and not grass. But we are going to create a grassland so better careful.

Mix the water and paint with a stirring stick. You can use any typical stirring sticks that you get from the paint stores, but you can really use anything that you don’t care getting stained with green paint.

(Important Note: The colour of your flock will be slightly browner than the green paint that you mix, so choose a colour paint that is slightly brighter than your desired modeling flock colour.)

Step 3 - Add the Sawdust

The next procedure is to add the sawdust on the paint. First add a small amount just to turn the watered down paint mixture into a compact sludge. Then continue adding more and more sawdust until it is mixed in well with the paint.

The easiest way to tell when to stop adding sawdust is when you add a bit more and it is very hard to mix in (i.e. it is hard to get rid of the brown sawdust). This is the point where you should stop.

Warning: If you stop sooner your flock will not be fine enough.

However, don’t expect your flock to be as fine as the Games Workshop version at this point for they already perfected the mixing of the paint and the sawdust. That will come sooner or later.

Once you have finished mixing the flock you are ready to move to next step.

Step 4 - Spread Out Your Modeling Flock to Dry

You will now need to spread out the modeling flock to dry. You can use two cookie sheets to dry out the amount of flock made with your desired proportions.

In spreading out the damp modeling flock it should be evenly as possible, then put it in a cool dry place and not be hit by strong winds for 24-48 hours. Make sure it is completely dry before proceeding to the next step, or else you will not get the same quality results as what Games Workshop produces.

Step 5 - Screen the Modeling Flock To Make It Finer

A fine strainer with a small openings you will have in doing the last step and that is to screen the modeling flock through it. There may be bunches that are just too hard deal with. You should really work if this happen until you cannot screen a dust from it. This will not be garbage cause it can be use as a mossy rock on another models.

About Essential Fatty Acids and Fish Oil

By now, most of us have heard of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and their potential health benefits. They’re said to sustain cognitive function and memory, benefit the heart and immune system, aid in cell reproduction and repair, and even help balance hormones. Fish oil, duly noted by the medical community as having similar benefits, contains high levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids, thus establishing the link between a daily regimen of fish oil and good health. Fish oil is sold in the U.S. as a dietary supplement and comes in both liquid and capsule form.

What are essential fatty acids?

Essential fatty acids are unsaturated fats typically found in the oils of vegetables, certain nuts and seeds and some fish. They’re said to benefit health more than the saturated fats found in meat and dairy products and may even have a positive impact on cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Essential fatty acids are referred to as "essential" because they must be obtained through diet and are essential to the normal growth and function of muscles, nerves, cells and organs in humans. There are two families of essential fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids – the fatty acids found in fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat present in many coldwater fish including trout, salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, mackerel, tuna and cod. The two most potent forms of omega-3 fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), both known as "good fats" – unlike saturated fats, which when consumed in excess can lead to cardiovascular problems, neural and brain disorders.

EPA helps to produce the prostaglandins (hormone-like substances) which help control blood-clotting and arterial functions. EPAs may also help to lower serum triglyceride levels.

DHA is a major component of human brain and retinal tissue and aids the transmission of nerve impulses.

The term "omega-3 essential fatty acid" has become synonymous with "fish oil" in modern American marketing literature.

Sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids other than fish oil include, but are not limited to:

• Avocadoes (whole or oil)
• Brazil nuts
• Flaxseed
• Flaxseed oil
• Fortified milk products
• Hempseeds
• Hempseed oil
• Omega-3 eggs
• Pumpkin seeds
• Sesame seed
• Soybean oil
• Walnuts
• Wheat germ oil

Omega-6 fatty acids – not found in fish oil

Omega-6 EFAs are found in animal products such as dairy and meat and are common in cooking oils such as safflower, olive, sunflower, hemp, soybean, pumpkin, sesame, walnut and flaxseed oils. Too many omega-6 EFAs, say nutritionists, can throw off the balance of prostaglandins and lead to health problems. Experts recommend a ratio of three parts omega-3 essential fatty acids to every one part omega-6 fatty acid in the diet. Research indicates that Americans consume far more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 as a result of overindulging in fried foods, red meat and cheese.

Omega-6 fatty acids are dependent on interactions with omega-3 essential fatty acids in order to benefit good health, which is why a balance of the two is crucial in the diet. The American Heart Association cautions against a high dietary intake of omega-6 fatty acids as it can lead to the development of gallstones and promote tumors.


Prostaglandins encompass a number of hormone-like substances found in every cell in the body. They’re critical to the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, the contraction and relaxation of muscles, the regulation of blood pressure and the modulation of inflammation. Prostaglandins are needed for overall good health and maintenance and must be replenished constantly. It’s easy to understand why having a good balance of prostaglandins in the body is essential to well-being.

Where does fish oil come from?

Most fish oil is extracted from the fatty flesh of the fish, unless a product specifically states otherwise, as is the case with cod liver oil or shark liver oil – extracted from fish liver. Nutritious fish oil is usually derived from deep, coldwater fish and those swimming in the wild (wild fish eat other fish and marine animals and vegetation to survive, whereas farm-raised fish are typically fed some type of less nutritious, less expensive, commercial-grade pellet). Some experts say the best fish comes from the deep Atlantic of Norway and other Scandinavian countries: the deeper and colder the water, say experts, the less chance of toxins such as mercury, lead, dioxins, furans and PCBs occurring in the fish oil. Fish from eastern Pacific waters is known to contain elevated levels of mercury.

Fish oil supplements – good ones / bad ones

"Product disclosure" is the operable phrase when seeking out nutritious fish oil supplements. From what kind of fish is the oil extracted and from where is it extracted naturally through pressing or with a centrifuge; or are petrochemical solvents such as hexane used to extract the oil from the source? How is the fish oil refined? Is it molecularly distilled, which to date is the most reliable form of fish oil purification, or does the label read something like "extra-distilled" or "super-distilled?" Such terms have no bearing on quality or safety. Because the hundreds of thousands of fish oil supplements on the market remain unregulated by the FDA, the safety, consistency, efficacy and strength of these products varies immensely among brands.

When reading fish oil supplement labels:

• Make sure the type of fish from which the fish oil is extracted is listed.
• Look for terms "coldwater," "deep water" and "wild" as opposed to "farm-raised."
• In what ocean or hemisphere was the fish caught? North Atlantic, deep, coldwater is said to be the most nutritious.
• Make sure the fish oil is molecularly distilled, which better ensures the absence of PCBs, heavy metals and other contaminants.
• What parts of the fish were used? Fish oils extracted from fish liver may be higher in heavy metals and contaminants.
• What fish oil extraction method was used? Cold or modified expeller pressing means that the oil was produced without damaging temperatures or unnecessary pressure.

Marketing claims that have no defined meaning in relation to fish oil supplements, and which often mislead consumers, include:

• Ultra-pure
• Professional grade
• Pharmaceutical grade
• High-potency
• Super-distilled
• Natural
• Extra-distilled
• Best
• Finest
• Highest quality
• Pure
• Purest
• Purified

Essential fatty acid health benefits and risks

Few argue the benefits of fish oil and essential fatty acids in the diet. Clinical studies have demonstrated that the omega-3 fatty acids can benefit cardiovascular health and that "good unsaturated fats" derived from vegetables and fish are far more nutritious than "bad saturated fats" which come from red meat, animal products and dairy. The cardiovascular benefits to balancing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the diet include lowered serum cholesterol, decreased serum trigylcerides and reduced platelet aggregation. Although many fish oil supplement companies claim that fish oil supplementation may aid brain function and strengthen the immune system, a complete body of evidence has yet to be produced.

Along with the health benefits of fish oil come some risks, most associated with taking too high doses of fish oil or having dangerously high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in the blood. Some of these risks can include:

• Thinning of the blood and reduced ability of the blood to clot.
• Increased risk of bleeding.
• Too large doses can increase glucose levels in persons with already elevated blood sugar levels.
• In excess, fish oil may suppress the immune system.
• Increase the occurrence of nosebleeds and easy bruising.
• Upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea and belching.
• Poisoning from heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and pesticides.

Experts and nutritionists are convinced that the health benefits of fish oil far outweigh the risks. However, many warn that fish oil shouldn’t be taken with blood-thinning medication such as warfarin or aspirin and shouldn’t be taken by anyone with bleeding disorders or uncontrolled hypertension. It is highly advisable to consult a physician before supplementing a diet with fish oil.

EPAs, DHAs, efficacy and the FDA

In September of 2004, the FDA announced they would allow a qualified health claim for reduced risk of coronary heart disease for conventional foods that contain EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids as outlined in FDA’s "Interim Procedures for Qualified Health Claims in the Labeling of Conventional Human Food and Human Dietary Supplements." Notwithstanding inconclusive research at the time of release, the FDA said it would exercise its enforcement discretion with respect to the following qualified health claim:

"Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. One serving of [name of food] provides [x] grams of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. [See nutrition information for total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol content.]"

In 2000, the FDA announced a similar qualified health claim for dietary supplements containing EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids and the reduced risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). The FDA recommends that consumers not exceed more than a total of three grams per day of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, with no more than two grams per day from a dietary supplement.

Be sure to shop at www.vitacost.com for all your essential fatty acid and fish oil needs!


1. Supplement from the sea: the fat from fish oil can benefit your heart, eyes, joints, and brain. Tom Weede. Natural Health. Oct 2007 v37 i9 p105 (2).

2. Omega medicine. Is fish oil good for what ails you? Bonnie Liebman. Nutrition Action Healthletter. Oct 2007 v34 i8 p1 (5).

3. The government’s big fish story: Pick the perfect fish oil supplement. Men's Health. July-August 2007 v22 i6 p158.

4. Fish oil and brain development. Alan R. Gaby. Townsend Letter: The Examiner of Alternative Medicine. Oct 2007 i291 p49 (2).

5. Effects of fish oil supplementation on myocardial fatty acids in humans. R.G. Metcalf, M.J. James, R.A. Gibson. Alternative Medicine Review. Sept 2007 v12 i3 p307 (1).

6. Essential fatty acids. Douglas Dupler and Teresa G. Odle. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Ed. Jacqueline L. Longe. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2005. 4 vols. Updated July 1, 2006.

7. Mighty omegas (ways to score more essential fats). Nancy Duncan. Women's Health. Dec 2006 v3 i10 p47.

8. Essential fatty acids and eicosanoids: their role in preventing inflammation, cardiovascular disease and cancer. James Meschino. Dynamic Chiropractic. Dec 3, 2007 v25 i25 p28(3).

9. Fish oil. Mai Tran and Teresa Odle. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Ed. Jacqueline L. Longe. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2005. 4 vols. Updated July 1, 2006.

10. On call: Fish oil revisited. Staying Healthy from the Faculty of Harvard Medical School. August 21, 2006 pNA.

11. By the way, doctor: How much fish oil should I be taking? Staying Healthy from the Faculty of Harvard Medical School. August 21, 2006 pNA.

Viva La Vegan - Why it's not hard to be a vegan

People are generally pretty shocked that I choose not to eat animal products of any kind. “Don’t you feel like you’re missing out?” they ask wide-eyed with their eyebrow raised. The answer is no. The only thing I feel I’m missing out on is contributing to the mass slaughter of farmed animals. Eating meat; fish and dairy causes environmental destruction, damages human health, contributes to global hunger and inflicts immense suffering on billions of animals across the world.

Sometimes they get the vegetarian thing. Most people have seen images of factory farming, which are pretty shocking. They push it to the back of their minds, but kind of understand vegetarians. Vegans on the other hand seem like freaks, after all what’s wrong with taking the cows excess milk right? Well the cow wouldn’t have had milk without a calf and what happens to the calf? They get ripped away from their mother within the first days, the males often going to veal crates, or being killed on the spot and the females enduring the same fate as their mother; Excessive milking, mastitis and slaughter when she gets worn out due to overwork.

Chickens bred for laying eggs are only useful if they are female. Thousands of male chicks (yes the cute yellow fluffy ones) are crushed alive or left to die in rubbish bags, suffocating and squashed by the other chicks. Therefore even free-range eggs raise ethical questions and as for battery cages, they are outdated and extremely cruel.

The hardest thing about being a vegan, isn’t resisting temptation to eat meat, but trying to avoid hidden animal products in everything from sweets and beer to bread and even soy products. The best thing to do is to get used to reading ingredients. If a product that you like contains an animal product that could be easily replaced, write the company a letter and explain why you won’t be using their product anymore and suggest a simple change they could make.

Playing Cornhole At A Tailgate Party

Cornhole is a very popular game in some areas of the country, and not so popular in others. For the areas of the country where the game has a following, however, it is often played at tailgate parties and other gatherings. One of the reasons that cornhole does so well at a tailgate party is because it is so easy to transport. The board that is traditionally used in the cornhole game is four feet by two feet, which fits in the bed of a truck, and it will also go in the trunk of a larger car. In addition, there are some smaller versions of the board made. These are three feet by two feet, and they are often called by the name of beanbag toss, instead of cornhole.

Because of this, the cornhole game is popular at many different gatherings, and the game is very often played at tailgating parties in the Northern part of the country. While the game does not seem to be as popular in the South, there are pockets of interest in it. In these areas, the individuals who like to play the cornhole game will bring their cornhole game boards and the bags to tailgate parties and other gatherings so that everyone has a chance to play. They organize tournaments, play the game at backyard barbecues, and predict that the game will one day be big enough to be televised like bowling and other activities that some people believe is a sport and others do not.

One of the best things about the cornhole game, however, is the ease with which it can be played. This is a great thing for any kind of party, because virtually anyone can play it without worrying about how to understand the rules. The game is not difficult, and the rules are not complex, making the game something that can be enjoyed by anyone, young or old, at any skill level. People can also make their own cornhole boards and cornhole sets. There are plans available on the Internet for almost everyone to use. The cornhole board can be made quite easily with a few simple tools by someone with only a moderate level of skill.

Even a beginner can make a cornhole board by following the instructions carefully. Most cornhole boards � either homemade or factory made � are made of wood. Some of them, however, are made of plastic, but they are often not as popular. For those who make their own boards for tailgate parties, however, there are also cornhole bags that need to be made. The older ones were made of a heavy cloth such as denim or burlap and stuffed with corn. Today�s cornhole bags are usually made of a somewhat softer cloth, and they are either stuffed with beans or with plastic pellets. Either way, however, they are easy to make and can last a long time when made correctly. They need to be sewn very tightly and they have to be the correct size and weight. By either buying or building a cornhole board the next tailgate party can be a huge success.

Common Mistakes In Business Plans

Your business plan is typically the first impression potential lenders of investors get about your business idea. Even with a great product, team, and customers, and you are unable to convey to properly convey your image, it could be the last impression if your plan has some of the following, common mistakes.

Lenders and investors review hundreds of business plan every year and with every plan, lenders and investors become more cynical because the same mistakes pop up with regular frequency. With so much competition for a limited amount of capital, it is imperative to not make these mistakes.

1. Financials

Unrealistic Financial Projections - Simply saying that you are going to do $100,000 in sales is not enough nor can you simply say there is no way of knowing. Everyone knows there is no way to accurately come up with financial projections over the next three years, especially in a start-up. But, what is required in your plan is that reasonable assumptions are made and supported with research. By incorporating a detailed list of assumptions and how you arrived at your numbers, the lender/investor can judge your analysis and decision making process. If you are projecting to generate high sales outside of industry norms, explaining how you arrived at this conclusion is a must. Lenders and investors have seen many, many plans that claim sales are going through the roof once funded and as a result are very jaded at statements like this. Financial data that is inconsistent with industry averages and overly aggressive sales figures will raise flags. Explain every number.

Confusing Cash with Profits - Revenues do not always equal cash. For example, suppose you make a sale this month for $100 that cost $50 to produce. Assuming your buyer doesn’t pay for 30-60 and even 90 days if dealing with state or federal sources (and assuming they all pay), the effect on your cash flow is significant. Suppliers and employees still have to be paid for their work while you are waiting on payment from the buyer.

While you may not have a significant portion of sales coming from receivables, the timing of cash flows is critical for developing a financial strategy as cash flow is much more important than profits. Profits are an accounting concept while cash is money in the bank. If you don’t believe me try paying your bills with profits.

No Adjustment for Seasonality - All businesses are seasonal to some extent, some more significant than others. Seasonality refers to the percentage of sales that are made in a month. For example, most retailers have huge November and December sales and lousy January and February sales. Did you make enough cash during the good months to cover the slow months to cover salaries, rents and lights?

If You Build It They Will Come - Be careful in assuming once your doors open people will be streaming in to buy. You have a new, relatively unheard of business. This is a time when your business is particularly vulnerable as most of new owner’s cash reserves have typically been used to open the store. If sales projections are off during the first couple of months and you don’t have enough working capital to keep the lights on, you may be quickly going out of business.

Insufficient financial projections - Basic financial projections consist of four elements: Income Statements, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheets, and Cash Flow Statements.

For most businesses a three-year projection is sufficient, but if yours is a capital intensive one and will take longer to show profitability then use five. Actual figures are a must if you can get them and any number in the projections needs to be in the business plan narrative. If you are purchasing an existing business use the historical financials to show support for your sales figures.

No Quotes - Any significant expenses should have a quote accompanied in the appendix, especially for construction or remodeling as this is an area where most entrepreneurs slip as they do it themselves and greatly underestimate the costs.

2. Marketing

Failing to relieve the customer’s pain - Businesses are rewarded to make consumer’s pain go away. Pain can include; my car stopped working, my doggie is sick or my tax returns are too hard to prepare.

If your business plan can’t show how you are relieving the customer’s pain, then the chances for success in the marketplace is extremely limited.

Remember pain equals market opportunity. The greater the pain, the greater number of customer’s with this pain and the better you can relieve the pain equals greater market potential.

One Billion Customers Served - Claiming everyone needs your product/service will send a strong message to the reviewer that you don’t know your market and remove any credibility to your plan. In the good old days the shotgun approach to marketing could work as there were limited channels for advertisement. Today with unlimited outlets and more narrowly defined markets, this approach does not fly.

While it’s true everyone eats, not everyone will eat at your restaurant, nor could you effectively advertise to everyone. By researching the segments that are most likely to use your product/service and showing how your message will get to them will ultimately make your endeavor more successful. Having clearly defined target markets will show you have done your homework and be the cornerstone of a marketing strategy that can succeed.

We have no competition - Use this statement if your want your plan rejected. Every business has competition. While there may not be a direct competitor, meaning one that offers the same or similar product, there is always an indirect competitor.

Saying there is no competition tells the reviewer that you have either not done any market research or there is not a market for your product.

3. Organization

Writing For The Wrong Audience - A plan for a lender should be written differently than one for an investor. Banks are interested in seeing the likelihood that debts be repaid and investors are interested in the upside profit potential. Be sure to write your plan to your audience. For both, keep to the facts, keep it clear and keep it simple. If you don’t feel you have the writing abilities to make your plan shine, then get help.

Poor spelling and grammar - Leaving spelling and grammatical errors in your plan only tells the reviewer that you are not paying attention to details and may not pay enough attention to the business. Use spelling and grammar checkers and let others review your plan to make sure there are no errors.

Too repetitive - Many times, plans will cover the same points over and over. A well-written plan should cover key points only twice: once in the executive summary then again in greater detail in the narrative of the plan.

Remove the Jargon - Using simple language is imperative to getting a technical business funded. Don’t think that by using complex terms that lenders/investors will be so impressed with your knowledge that they will whip open the checkbook. Businesses that can’t be understood don’t get funded. If you can’t explain your business to a sixth grader your chances of funding are in jeopardy.

Investors are really only interested in your technology if it solves a problem that people will pay for, is better than the competition, can be protected through patents and can reasonably go to market without spending a lot of money.

Keep the technical details out of the business plan and in the white papers.

Appearance matters - Make sure your plan looks professional. Use professional printing, binding, keeping fonts consistent and easy to read. The more money being requested means investing more time in making sure your plan will stand out from the crowd. Be careful that you don’t go overboard and give the impression that the plan is all style and no substance.

Length - A long business plan does not make a better business plan. All of the industry and marketing research won’t save a flawed plan. Too many plans have been immediately rejected because they are too long. Lenders and investors favor entrepreneurs who can efficiently demonstrate the ability to efficiently get to the point.

An executive summary should be no more than 1-3 pages. Ideally it should only be one page but some complex plans require more. An ideal business plan is 20-30 pages, including financials. Remember less is more!

Use operating plans, white papers and marketing plans for the in-depth details.

Fluffing - Using phrases like "unmatched in the industry;" "narrow window of opportunity;" or "ground floor" are empty phrases filled with hype. If anything, the cynical reviewer will be turned off by the hype and trash your plan. Stick with laying out the facts – what is the problem, how will you solve the problem, how big is the market, how will consumers buy it and what is your competitive advantage. If the opportunity is there the lender/investor will be able to make the decision for themselves.

Overvaluing the business idea - What gives a business value is not the idea but the execution of the idea. A great idea is a start, but almost everyone has had a great idea at some point in their lives. How you will execute this idea is what sets apart a real business from the dreamers.

4. Execution Mistakes

Waiting too long - Funding a business takes a long time. Expect three months at a minimum after finishing your business plan to get funding. Unless you have sufficient capital, other sources of income and can be funded in-house at a bank, this number may be reduced. Bank financing for business with less than two years of operating history are typically funded through an SBA guarantee, which requires additional time, patience and paperwork. Financing through investors is usually an even longer process as they have a lot of people competing for their money and they tend to do significant due diligence to secure their investment. Waiting until you need the money is a sure way to keep your business from launching.

Unreasonable time lines - Many business owners underestimate the timelines for completing milestones. Its human nature to think we can do things faster than is possible. When getting a business started there will be several tasks you could not have anticipated and the some tasks you think will be easy which will end up taking much longer. It is best to overestimate and finish early, rather than scramble and execute your opening poorly.

Failing to seek outside review - When preparing your plan, be sure that you have at least a few people review it before sending it out. Preferably look for people in your industry or who have a specialization in sales, distribution, etc that could lend a fresh set of eyes and find any flaws in the plan. Being so close to the action can keep you from being objective and this additional scrutiny may save you countless headaches and money down the road.

Perfecting - It can be easy to spend countless hours perfecting your plan and ultimately never launching. Remember, your plan will never be perfect and in practice should be continually updated as you learn more about the business, market and customers. Don’t make your plan an academic practice, finish it and get in front of investors and lenders. Use this feedback to see if your plan really needs the additional perfection.